Bottled Water Odor

Bottled Water Odor

Bottled drinking water sales topped $12 billion in the United States recently, with steady growth of 6% per year. Consumers view bottled water as a healthy alternative to other drinks. Recent news articles place bottled water’s reputation for consistent quality at risk. A top contributor to unhappiness for many consumers lies in off-odor product. Click HERE to learn more about how we work with companies in the Beverage industry.

Consumers who experience an odor issue with their water give varied descriptions of the aromas. Delays between production and use make tracking the problem difficult. Varied contamination sources, and sporadic appearances of the issue add more difficulty. These elements and more make finding and correcting an odor issue seem impossible.

Trace level volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are responsible for off-odor from bottled water. Capturing and identifying these VOCs requires sophisticated technology. Volatile Analysis Corporation (VAC) practices gas chromatography-mass spectrometry combined with olfactometry, a method knowns as GC-MS/O. This powerful technique readily identifies VOCs in bottled water. VAC has completed VOC determinations for bottled water suppliers. We have extensive knowledge of the Plastics industry and how the plastic bottles can cause odorous issues for bottled water amongst other things.

If consumers are complaining about the smell of your water, call us and we’ll show you how we can help you. Click HERE to learn more about our Odor Complaint Mitigation service.