Product Lexicon Creation
How does this service work?
We define descriptive sensory language as part of descriptive panel work. Descriptive panels are useful to define what are the prominent sensory attributes. Aroma is frequently an important sensory attribute and individual aroma descriptors that make up the overall aroma bouquet must be carefully defined. Lexicon creation involves developing the list of words that describe the important characteristic odors. VAC brings experienced sensory personnel to assist your organization in developing product Lexicons that can be utilized throughout your entire footprint whether just in one country or in many.
What is the Application of this service?
When an organization is implementing a new product offering that has aroma or odorous components, a product lexicon should be generated as part of an overall sensory program. It is important that throughout sensory evaluation, both internally and externally, that all panelists are speaking the same language and the lexicon is a vehicle to accomplish just that.
Top Industries for Product Lexicon Creation
Why do you need this service?
Lexicon development can be created by an internal sensory team or an external group guiding the set up of an internal sensory program. Lexicon development is needed so that internal and external participants focusing on a product can talk about it with consistent descriptors understanding the implications of what each one provides. lexicons consist of descriptors related to ingredients of products as well as descriptors of the marketed products. Definitions, terminology, and references all become a part of the lexicon. It is quite common for an organization that is not familiar with sensory programs and certainly not individual components of such programs to need experts to provide guidance on the initial lexicon development process. Thereafter, a facilitator to occasionally refresh and update lexicons or help start development of new lexicons are services VAC can bring to your organization.